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Andy Crossett

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About Andy Crossett

  • Birthday July 23

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  • Location
    St Louis, MO
  • EUC
    MSX 84v

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  1. Runners don't like to be called "Joggers." But you are right! Aside from the one wheel versus two wheel definition, an EUC falls under the Segway definition, as long as speed is kept 20 mph or less.
  2. Like others have stated, I think the best course of action is for the EUC manufacturers (especially Ninebot who's Segway acquisition was responsible for the heavy lifting of enacting the original definition of electric personal assistive mobility device) to lobby for a change in definition to "one wheel or two nontandem wheel" or to remove the number of wheels entirely from the definition. This would address most of the concerns, other than speeds greater than 20 mph, which most riders probably do not regularly exceed. And this would allow innovation to continue. I live in downtown St. Louis. Missouri has pretty much the model legislation that was pushed originally by Segway. Missouri does allow cities to enact their own more restrictive requirements. I've not seen this done. However there are certain areas (City Garden) which do not allow Segway or Lime Scooter. There was issue with newly renovated Kiener Plaza having tire marks from either or both Lime or Bird Scooters. I think they are now prohibiting these scooters in that plaza due to the marking up of the paving stones. The Gateway Arch is part of National Park Service. They will only allow Segway, Segway Mini Pro or Scooters if the person can prove an actual disability (ADA). I have seen the Lime and Bird scooters there. I ride my MSuperX on the bike path within the Gateway Arch grounds only on the perimeter of the park, to get to the riverfront trail.
  3. I'm in town until after Thanksgiving. Perhaps the weather will be conducive to getting out. Hope all is well! Sounds like you were first in town.
  4. I live downtown. Was out of town until Friday. Glad to know you are here! Will need to catch up sometime! I'm totally new, and have an MSuperX. Enjoying it a lot!
  5. Here was my Sunday ride through St. Louis, starting downtown at the Arch, heading along the Mississippi River (riverfront), then west on Chouteau Avenue (part of old Route 66 alignment), through to The Grove neighborhood, then south on Forest Park Avenue. Continuing south past Shaw, alongside of Missouri Botanical Garden, through to Tower Grove Park. Continuing south, cutting through Tower Grove Park, briefly on Arsenal Avenue, then onto Morgan Ford through Tower Grove South neighborhood and stopping at Alpha Brewing. Hope you enjoy. This is only my second long ride on the MSuperX. Enjoying it very much!
  6. I notice that shoes that are too "squishy" are bad. Need to fit well and have firm sole.
  7. I'm new to the EUC. Wondering if any riders here in my area. Would enjoy meeting up.
  8. I'm new to the EUC and am learning on the MSX. Really enjoying it now, as I did trips of 12 and 15 miles last 2 days. I have to take breaks, as my feet and legs tire after awhile. But very happy with my purchase and my experience.
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