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stephen last won the day on October 30 2020

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About stephen

  • Birthday 02/08/1968

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  • Location
    united kingdom
  • EUC
    kingsong kS16x, Mten3, I motion V11

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  1. thanks ,,yes I was going to just swap springs but I can buy a full set lynx suspension cheap so I might as well have a spare and maybe buy some springs later and can fix at my leisure thanks
  2. thx very much just weighing up the options not to save money but the most range batteries at slower speeds thx
  3. so there's 2 different options for battery cells 50s & 50gb I don't really do speed but I do like to fast charge when needed, apart from the charging anything else have different between them?
  4. yes we doing it all on the Sherman S , We've arrived in knarsborough today, we rode 94 miles from Morecambe so only 80 to do tomorrow to Bridlington, oooh but then we have to go back again so that's another 180 miles ,, tired now though
  5. now then mate I see your back riding euc , what wheel you got now? I've been through a few since we met
  6. when will it be available for purchase please, with the bell sound ofc
  7. there's a new update so you can turn the beeper down but it doesn't affect your pwm beeps
  8. turn on location for the app it sometimes needs that
  9. 30 should be fine tbh and mine isn't even seated but that never bothers me tbh
  10. few more metal bits and it be the same weight as Sherman-s 😁
  11. I'll have to give it a miss for a bit I was only there last week,, scooters give us bad name
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