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    Boulder, CO USA
  • EUC
    Past: KS-16, 16S, 18L, V11, S18, S22, Master, T4 Now: V5F, Patton, Extreme

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  1. Mine only charges to 133.4 as well, and I've never seen the balancing state active.
  2. Are you sure about that? It looks to me like the status light is under the trolley handle. When charging, I see 2 blue LEDs blinking under the trolley handle, and nothing with the rear light. I believe the LED in the rear light is for bluetooth.
  3. Shipping with the 750lb installed was the announced plan, but they changed it for some reason, and are shipping with the 900lb installed. This is unfortunate, because the 900lb spring doesn't have enough stroke (only around 30ish mm) to work with the shock, which causes coil binding. I installed the 750lb spring, and I haven't encountered any coil bind. It does feel too soft, however. Begode has said they will be shipping a 900lb coil with the correct stroke, around mid-October. All of the recent unboxing videos have shown that the suspension is "stuck" in the compressed state. Simply removing the seat and loosening the 2 large screws at the top of the sliders allows the suspension to move freely.
  4. Just went for a ride with the new firmware. I was at 125.5V at the start. Rode about a mile of slight up and down hill and saw some other EUC friends up ahead of me. I sped up to catch them but had to do a hard stop for a light, and when I did, the wheel made a loud beep and displayed "Full xx". I didn't catch the xx part. Then the display auto switched from the odometer over to voltage and stayed there. I don't normally ride with the voltage displayed and I noticed that it would swing a couple of volts when testing some hard braking.
  5. It seems clear to me that they just copy other designs, and don't really understand suspension systems.
  6. I was also swayed to move from the 58lb to 62lb because of youtuber feedback. I'm 150lb and the 58 was my initial choice based on ewheels/LK recommendations. Multiple videos gave me the fear of easily bottoming out, so I went with the bigger spring. One youtube rider was sub 100lbs, so I was convinced bigger was better for me. I also rationalized that 4lbs difference was likely not noticeable. While I'm happy with the 62lb (set at no preload and lowest compression) I do wonder what the 58lb would feel like for my use case. I hope that some day I'll meet someone local with the 58 and I can try it out.
  7. I agree with you on the tire. I don't hate it, and in fact actually enjoy it. Maybe more off-road is in my future. The knobby does provide more versatility, so I'll probably use it for a few months before making any change. The pedals are nice and quite grippy. No issues with them at all. I don't like the charge port location. It's a pain in the butt to make the connection. How did LeaperKim not realize this while they were charging their demo wheels? This is something that should have been addressed early on. Making the front handle 0.5-1 inch higher would have easily fixed this. I don't like how loud the beeper is when powering on/off and using the menu system. It should be loud for alarms when riding, but it's obnoxiously loud otherwise, with no way to adjust. What app are you using? EUC World doesn't support the Patton yet - it won't connect or crashes. Darkness BOT will connect, but some of the values don't match the display. The LeaperKim app (latest from Google Play) doesn't seem to work correctly either. Some of the values shown don't match those on the display. Also, the app shows a vehicle model of "UNKNOWN" for my wheel.
  8. I'm 150lbs, plus whatever the normal safety gear weighs. I'm more of a cruiser, not a jumper or hard off-road rider. If you are bigger or more aggressive, then I would suggest the 66lb. I wanted the most comfortable ride, and the 62lb seems to work for me.
  9. I received my Patton from eWheels yesterday, but couldn't ride due to rainy weather. I just returned from a short (10 mile) inaugural ride. Wow, this wheel is awesome! I had been riding a T4 (v1) which was one of the most fun wheels I'd ever had. The T4 is zippy and nimble. The Patton has much easier and stronger acceleration. It feels a bit less nimble, but that could be me getting used to it and the difference in tires. It is very well balanced and the extra weight isn't even noticeable while riding. I had originally ordered it with a street tire, but those weren't available in the first batch. I decided I'd rather have it sooner than wait, so I rolled the dice on the knobby. It's very nice! Every wheel I've owned had a street tire, except for the S22. I didn't enjoy that knobby as it would give me the feeling of falling over on slow sharp turns. The knobby on the Patton feels more like a street tire when turning. It does make quite a bit of noise, which I'm finding helpful, as people can hear me coming without spooking them with a silent approach like the T4. Build quality isn't even close between the wheels. I installed the Sherman S pads that eWheels provided for free - thanks Jason! The large front pad is a bit too tall and can't be placed low enough because it runs into the top of the jump clips. It still works fine, even though part of the pad extends above the top of the battery compartment. I'm going to use these for a while before I look at something else. They were comfortable and worked well today. The 62lb suspension felt a bit stiff for the first couple of miles (less cushy than my T4) but after lowering the compression, it felt really good. I didn't play with the rebound damping. The T4 never felt comfortable for me above 30ish mph, but the Patton was totally different. I could effortlessly get up to 35 without even trying, and it was comfortable. So far, this wheel is a winner. Two thumbs up!
  10. the lasers seem like the most gimmicky feature ever provided on an EUC. what's their purpose? you can easily see the brake light from behind and at a distance, but the lasers are directed at the ground, just behind the wheel. who will see these lights? what additional safety is provided? i don't get it.
  11. i removed mine, and it's much better without them.
  12. is the 4lb difference between the spring options going to be noticeable? the springs on MTB shocks are typically in 50-100lb increments.
  13. How would you describe the difference between the Nylonove and stock suspension?
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