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  1. Congratulations!
  2. Outstanding work BTW!
  3. I hope you are healing well. Forgot to include the most important part of the post!
  4. I worked as a CFI and commercial pilot (small piston twins) for a while. I built my own ultralight airplane in my garage. I eventually also owned and flew certified aerobatic aircraft Pitts S2B, Extra 200, and Extra 300. 2 engine failures in the ultralight, one on takeoff below 100 ft, successful landings in both cases. Brake failure on landing in the certified Pitts S2B, that was scary but uneventful. Aviation is dangerous, but there is NOTHING on earth that can match it for the thrills.
  5. edit
  6. Just seeing this. Best wishes Rehab 1. Nobody gets out of here alive in the end. Sorry man.
  7. Great video, as usual. Keep them coming, well done.
  8. You need I.D. (that can be easily located by responders if you are unresponsive) and health insurance of some kind as well.
  9. 2000FT? You live at the end of a runway?
  10. Ha! Ha! I bet his friends knew that hole was there. I sit typing this with ice on my wrist and elbow from a below 5mph fall onto blacktop trying to balance a two wheeled v3 on one wheel. No gear. DUMBASS. And I preach ATGATT in this thread every time I post!
  11. If you plan on riding on any uneven surfaces such as grass or off road, or on imperfect pavement, I would venture to say that there is a 100% chance that you will be thrown off your wheel at some point. You will fall. What do you want to contact the surface?
  12. I had brought this finding to Jason's attention a while back. My solution to get the batteries fully topped off and to facilitate proper balancing at the 100% capacity was to purchase a charge doctor and use the charge doctor with the normal slow charger to get the final few percentage points of charge and to balance the cells, this after the fast charger charges to the almost but not quite full point.
  13. We’re getting bum deal, say Canterbury's naked bike ride protesters http://www.kentonline.co.uk/canterbury/news/were-getting-a-bum-deal-126228/ These guys have the right idea. No clothing at all is the safest way to ride any open uncaged vehicle.
  14. "I'm sorry but there is just no solid evidence that gloves prevent injury. There is no design minimum safety standard for manufacturers to adhere to either. I've seen injuries result from gloves gripping the ground on impact and causing twisting injuries. There are also cases where the increased padding connected to the ground when a bare hand wouldn't have and could have avoided a crash. I'll stick to wearing my helmet thanks, but don't you dare make gloves compulsory! " The above is a comment in section below the following article. http://road.cc/content/news/164652-why-do-cyclists-wear-gloves Why do cyclists wear gloves?
  15. What about gloves? Any evidence that they help prevent injury?
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