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Adrian Lee

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  1. Check your battery information. It will show nothing. Version will be 0.0.0 Then check what firmware you are in. If it's v1.4, most likely the battery management system file got corrupted. I'm also having the same problem and I can't do anything yet. My mini is stuck at 10kmh, and the red Led is always on. I'm still on the original battery pack.
  2. I have an original Ninebot Mini. After the firmware update to v1.4.1, the battery management system got corrupted and does not display anything. It shows v0.0.0 I downgraded my Ninbot app APK to 3.5.1, and it prompts out firmware update available to 1.3.1 but when l start updating, it fails because the BMS can't update as it timeout. V0.0.0 -> v.1.1.3. Anyone knows how to fix this? It's still the original battery, just that it's locked to 10kmh, has a red led light at the back and is very uncomfortable to ride.
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