They decided on the reverse replacement, so both sides. She's just starting the pre-surgery prep which is ~3 weeks of physical therapy, tests, and classes. Then the surgeon said 6 weeks before she's allowed to drive again (I can chauffeur on an EUC, right?!). I'll have to come up with some more balanced meals to make too.
That looks kind of like what her doctor recommended, but insurance wouldn't cover. We've got a pretty good amount of flexible gel ice packs but something designed specifically for the shoulder would be nice. She's got one of those fancy adjustable beds, so it should be great for being more upright as needed.
Fingers crossed she follows what she preaches here. I'm on disability from migraines and TN, and maybe it's just a motherly/parental response, but she's always encouraged me to do whatever I can to reduce my pain. Yet she's (impressively) powered through thus far with little more than a few steroid shots.
We've definitely got a list of questions for the pre-surgery office visit building up. I've been through so many different departments of the hospital that even though none had answers for my issues, the place as a whole is great.
Thanks for the tips, and hope things keep healing well!