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  1. Ok but if the gyro is turn 180 isn't the Mini Pro than essentially exactly the same as it was before you turned stuff around. Switch the motors around so forward is backwards and then the gyro so forward is backwards and then the whol thing -- hold on ok as I'm typing this is starting to click lol.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong about this for sure but if you simply swapped the motors over and stood on the Mini as per normal wouldn't leaning forward make you go backwards and leaning backwards make you go forwards and left is right and right is left? If you swapped the motors and stood on in reverse and leaned forward which is really backwards the Mini goes forward but the limits are in tact because the as far as the device is concerned you are still going forward. Swapping would not give the desired effect especially if what you end up with is a min that goes forward while thinking it is going backwards but you have to lean back to go ahead that would be seriously counter intuitive.
  3. You know all of this would be so much better if the Mini Pro just didn't tilt back at all. If it just got up to 17.5kmh and stayed at that speed rather than tilting back it would be great. The tilt back slows you down so much and then you need to get back up to speed again only to get slowed down again.
  4. Hey, you got your group ride organized!! Sweet. If I want to have a group ride I'm going need to buy more Mini's and loan em out.
  5. I feel the same way. It was so annoying that I wouldn't drive with headphones in because I didn't want to hear it.
  6. -15 C for me the other day. And yes I went to the grocery store on my Segway. Lol.
  7. Wow! That was excellent! For me it is so cold here that my range is badly reduced.
  8. Fair enough. Lets get back to discussing potential solutions. I was wondering if solar panels could generate enough power to trickle back to the Mini. Would there be enough return to actually extended the range?
  9. I'm sorry, I'm confused.. I thought the subject here is actual an eternal battery, I checked 3 times and yup that's what it says. Eternal battery by definition would be outside the Mini and probably in a backpack. But I could be wrong, as I said I'm confused. :-)
  10. I think you can compare both solutions in that both accomplish the same primary goal of extended range. These solutions may differ in how seamless they are, how convenient they are, and how much modification is required to the Mini. Personally I'm intrigued by both of your plans and I wait to see the results so I can weigh the pros and cons of both options. As a side question: Could a quick and dirty option simply be to string two battery packs together in Parallel somehow be an option? Or have them connected in series with a toggle to switch to the reserve battery? Perhaps you could string many packs together and get mega range (backpack loaded for 100km rides - lol - better hope it does catch on fire)
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