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  • Location
    Austin, Texas
  • EUC
    KS16X and several others

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  1. Any riders in Little Rock, AR want to meet up for a ride in the next several days? I expect to be in the area Saturday (maybe late) until Friday. Reply here or private message me if interested. I'll be bringing ks16x (and maybe mten3 and/or ks16s)
  2. Fun ride yesterday! Thanks.
  3. PMed you some more info.
  4. Tucson AZ: Anyone want to ride next Friday or Saturday (16th or 17th)? I'm in Tucson for mother-in-law's 90th birthday, but the party isn't until Sunday, so it'd be fun to do some riding. I should arrive in town mid-day Friday so could probably ride anytime after mid-afternoon and/or on Saturday. I expect I'll have my Tesla and mten3 with me.
  5. duaner


    Sounds "space ship" to me.
  6. duaner


    Wish I could give it more than one like.
  7. Maybe your (ex)V8 gets jealous and curses its rival wheels? :} I bought that V8 for my brother and two evening ago he slipped and fell while riding his S1 (again not the V8) and suffered a left radial head fracture.
  8. If you want to look at the "bright side": Better to have your bad luck while riding the EUC; if the bad luck had hit during your helicopter accident, you'd be dead already.
  9. Riding forwards, wrist gaurds are good protection. For learning backwards wrist guards and elbow guards are a good idea.
  10. Consider purchase cost. If you spend $1500 on an EUC which you ride 3000 miles that's $0.50/mile not counting anything else (electricity, chargers, trolleys, safety gear, padding, ...)
  11. You can probably also find Slime at walmart, or a bike shop (they may have other brands only), and maybe the local convenience store (but that may be only for tubeless)
  12. Unless they aren't cheating. There are some real disabilities where an EUC could be an actual an aid; and needing a real service dog is not cheating either.
  13. duaner

    Snow Chains!

    I see a filename, but no image.
  14. Note EUC width (of pedal mounts) also impact the "apparent" pedal height. A narrow EUC with X high pedals will lean substantially further before scraping than will a wider EUC with the same height pedals. Maybe the best way to measure pedal height is an angle: How far can the wheel title sideways before the pedal scrapes.
  15. So, you think pedal scrape on EUCs with lower pedals is bad technique. Seems to me it is bad EUC design. My thoughts: I ought not have to underlean the EUC to prevent pedal scrape. I.e. I should force the EUC more upright than the amount my body is leaned; I ought to be able to lean my EUC the same amount. Other than forcing the EUC to stay in an unnaturally vertical position during higher lean turns: Is there some other technique to use to prevent pedal scrape?
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