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  1. I did some measurements before I added the fins and there should be just enough clearance. I´m actually pretty confident that a sufficient amount of hotglue on the flat section of the metal pedal is probably more than enough to keep it securely in place. The pedal cover will also need to be covered with some material with a rough surface. I will make a test print of this pedal cover and see how well it works in real life once I´ve finished my 3d printed EUC project. I´ll publish the stl file after testing in case the pedal cover turns out to be useable.
  2. I´ve been actually thinking about exactly the same thing. My pedals are only 17 cm long, which is not very comfortable, so. I just did the following design, which I will probably try out once I have otherwise finished my printed unicycle project. It´s a 3d printed overlay, which extends the outer edge by 15 mm and front&rear edges of the pedal by 20 mm both. So the total length would be 21 cm instead of 17. Most weight still rests on the section which is directly supported by the metal pedal, the extensions have to carry very little actual weight. I was thinking this could be either attached with some screws with very flat heads (need to cut some threads into the pedal) or maybe even hotglue might be strong enough.
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