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    Sherman S, KS18XL - sold, KS S22 Pro - sold

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  1. TLDR: Attempting seated riding has caused my first 'real' EUC injury. Help me analyze the cause so I can try again in the future. Long version: Since getting my Sherman S, I've been thinking about seated riding again. There's this one stretch of deserted road on my way to work, and in the past weeks I've been training every day when I ride it - basically just doing squats and trying to keep balance. Last Friday, on my morning commute, I managed to go lower than ever and my butt connected with the thin bit of foam that is the Sherman S stock seat. So, happily, I though: "I've got it", and planted my weight on the seat. What followed was an almost immediate loss of stability, the wheel veered left and tilted and I instinctively threw out my right leg to try and stop it from falling over - which is what got me. The full weight of me, gear, backpack and Sherman was thrown into my knee, which couldn't take it, buckled and down I went. After I managed to breathe through the worst of the pain, I figured out pretty quickly that I couldn't walk on the leg, but also that, with considerable pain, I could ride, so I rode the rest of the way to work and from there took a cab to the hospital. Now I'm off the wheel for who knows how long, I can't walk and I'm trying to put together what I did wrong so I can bounce back from this with some sort of plan. The only things that come to mind are that I was probably going too slow (about 10 mph according to EUC world logs) and I probably shouldn't have put all my weight on the seat, but if anyone has any other ideas, please do let me know.
  2. So, funny story - I have, in the meantime, gotten rid of the S22 in favor of the Sherman S. But I can still give you some insight into the S22. I did have the "Pro" version. Regarding width - yes, it was really wide, coming from the 18XL, but I got used to it, just required a slightly different stance. The weight - again, you can get used to it, and fairly quickly - it's just a bit different to balance when starting. I got to try a V11 on a group ride a few days ago and it felt tiny and unstable to me. I don't have to carry the wheel up any stairs regularly, so I don't care about the weight in that regard. Trolley handle - absolutely terrible. You can somewhat mitigate it by trolleying backwards, but even then the wheel has an annoying tendency to fall over, accelerate and crash into things. Do not recommend. There is a 3D printed handle that appears to mitigate some of the issues, but I never had a chance to try it so can't comment. One additional point - the suspension sliders. I rode mine very gently, no big jumps, mostly paved roads, and after 400 miles 4 of the slider wheels needed replacement. If you don't mind doing maintenance, it's a good wheel for trails, jumps etc. - all the technical riders I know ride an S22. Otherwise, my recommendation would be to look at something else.
  3. Oh I agree, that looked weird to me as well. As usual, probably best to wait for some real world testing of it.
  4. There is a fairly interesting Kickstarter going on right now, might be an option for some (probably not me, I'm very happy with my motocross helmet and I would miss some of the features it has), but as an alternative to downhill MTB helmets, maybe... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thebeam/the-worlds-first-full-face-bicycle-helmet-virgo/description
  5. Just about 90kg with gear and backpack, which is how I normally ride. I found a Rock Shox 500lbs spring that I think should fit, not too expensive, I might just buy it and see... I'm still in half a mind to sell the S22, take the financial hit and buy myself a Sherman S. @Rawnei since your profile thingy says you own both, how would you compare the ride/suspension feel of the two? I'm going to try and get someone from the local community to let me try the Sherm, but I'm taking all options.
  6. Wow, lots of helpful suggestions, thanks everyone. To define my "issue" - I guess my main problem is with small bumps and uneven road surfaces. I feel a lot more of them than I would ideally like. I tried messing with the compression setting today, riding at full "hard" part way and full "soft" afterwards. The full "soft" is better, but not by all that much. Rebound is set about in the middle. I'm going to try and get rid of preload on the spring. I'd also like to try adjusting the geometry, but related to that I have a question - can it be done without taking the whole wheel apart, just by removing the six screws (three on each side) on the very bottom bracket? Or will the whole suspension fly in my face and require me to dissasemble everything?
  7. So, having gotten over the honeymoon period with my S22, I am noticing the ride isn't as comfortable as I hoped when I bought it. Apart from getting a different wheel (which I might do if I manage to sell both the old 18XL and the S22), what changes can I make to make the S22 more comfortable for riding streets/bike paths? change the suspension geometry? I think I have it at the highest right now... suspension settings? I have fiddled with it, but don't really know what to do... different spring? I weigh about 85kg/187lbs geared up, stock spring at the moment change the tire? I don't mind the behavior of the default one and I've gotten used to it, but willing to re-learn on a different one anything else? (it is a Pro, so roller sliders are already in) The most I jump off of is the occasional curb, no trails/bmx parks etc. Thanks
  8. What I have found out in the meantime is this: if I turn on the S22, wait a couple of minutes and then turn on EUC World, it connects 99% of the time. So I've adjusted my routine to turn on the wheel, trolley it out onto the sidewalk and then turn on EUC world. Might work on you also...
  9. Do the eRides pedals have angle adjustment? In the video where Marty was reviewing them, he had to shim them with strips of metal to get an adjusted angle...
  10. Would you say the E-Rides pedals are a noticable difference to the stock pedals? I've been looking at them (and the Nylonove version) since I bought the wheel, but it is quite a lot of money and I'm not sure what I would actually get from it. My feet never slip on the stock pedals, they only leave them on jumps/drops, and I can't see how different pedals would help with that - but if they do, please let me know.
  11. I feel like the pedals are fine. I'm planning on getting a pair of Nylonove (or possibly erides - can't really decide between the two) whenever they are in stock again, but who knows when that will be. In the meantime the default will have to do. I guess maybe my expectations were too high for the foot locking via pads, I'm going to experiment some more with them and see.
  12. So I recently got the big Grizzla Flow pads for my S22. I am quite happy with the 'power' (front top) and 'braking' (rear) parts of them, accelerating, braking and even control in turns is all enhanced. However, what I was most looking forward to was the 'jump' part of the pads (front bottom), hoping that they would help me with taking bigger drops without my feet leaving the pedals, and maybe even help with actually jumping this beast UP some obstacles (curbs etc.). So far however, that has been quite a disappointment. I placed the pads as low as I could while still being able to actually fit my foot between the pad and pedal, but that still leaves a slight gap, so when I take a drop, my feet still move around. I was hoping I could get some tips on what I might be doing wrong. Also of note, when my feet are positioned comfortably on the pedals, the larger part of them isn't actually under the pad (see attached picture). Mybe that is part of the problem...?
  13. Yeah, a couple hundred kms later, this thing is all I wanted and more. Once I got used to the weight, it is surprisingly nimble as well. And the stock tire is honestly fine - I was also thinking of changing it at first, but I've gotten used to it and I can carve on it now without issues. I'm keeping it, because although I mostly ride on road, I can go offroad without worrying too much and I know the tire will manage. I also come across various road hazards from loose gravel to broken glass daily and I feel that the offroad tire is a lot less likely to get punctured by said glass/slip on the gravel. It takes a bit to get it moving and stopped due to inertia, but I have a set of Grizzlas sitting on my workbench waiting to get installed, and I think those will resolve the issue. The only minor thing is the wheel has developed a squeak. It's only audible when trolleying, because while riding it's covered by air rushing/tire noise. I suspect bearings, because it squeaks at a certain point in every rotation, so I'm probably going to take it in to the local shop that does EUC's and have them take a look at it. But honestly, I think most wheels develop bearing issues sooner or later, due to the lack of quality parts/quality control on the manufacturing side.
  14. I didn't want to wait for the 16 inch Veteran, because I don't really want to buy a first batch wheel. For those interested, I went with the S22 and I am enjoying it quite a lot - the suspension is amazing and the speed is plenty for me. I have also done basically a range test and I can do 90km with my riding style (and then a few more in 'limp home' mode, which I also got to test today - that was not fun).
  15. Not sure if this should go here or the KS subforum, but since it is app related... I have a problem with my S22, in it not wanting to connect to EUC world on the first try. I usually first start EUC world, then start up the wheel, and so far, each time it just didn't connect. When I turn off the automatic connection attempt and do a manual search, it locates the S22 right away, but selecting it and trying to connect does nothing. In order to connect, I have to power the wheel off and then back on, after that, it connects fine. I have tried turning on the wheel first, then EUC world, but it seems to have no effect. It's not really that big of an issue, but it is annoying and I would like to fix it if possible. I never had any issues like this with the 18XL.
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