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    Inmotion V8 (6155 km), V5F (1537 km), V11 (6303 km - impounded)

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  1. You can use the forum search function while filtering on Members (see attached picture).
  2. Sorry to hear that. I have not experienced the symptoms you describe, such as the charger blinking pattern, and certainly not the wheel refusing to power on after a factory reset. What does Inmotion support say about this?
  3. Dat is vriendelijk van die agent, ik heb geen waarschuwing gehad. Het loskoppelen of uithalen van de bluetooth module klinkt interessant. Het wordt dan net zo moeilijk om de monowiel “op te drijven” als een pedelec (wielsensor verplaatsen naar de crank). Het is legaal echter niet waterdicht, omdat het gerecht uitgaat van de max snelheid opgegeven door de fabrikant. Je bent hier dus afhankelijk van de tolerantie van de politie. Voor een echte oplossing zijn we dus afhankelijk van de fabrikanten.
  4. @Steven Algoet Like I said, in my case, I have to pay court and impoundment fees (several hundred EUR - I have not yet received the bill), and I will not get my EUC back. There's also the lawyer costs of several hundred EUR. I will also be on probation for one year, in which I may not receive a second conviction (or the whole case comes back on the table). I followed my lawyer's recommendations in this: avoid a conviction and just give up the wheel. There is another, possibly cheaper, way to do this, which is to just accept that the police keep your wheel ("afstand doen"), in which case you have to pay a fine and impoundment cost, but no additional legal fees as this does not go to court. Police will not normally take your driving license, unless you pose a direct danger to others (i.e. not only for speeding). All that being said: if you ever get involved in an accident, you are always at fault (no insurance, registration) and never insured (outside regular insurance coverage). That to me is unacceptable, as it puts me and my family at huge legal and financial risk. It's all working a bit against us: manufacturers boasting high top speeds on their websites, technical data sheets confirming those top speeds, and then saying there's a limiter in the app, so you can be legal. Not true under current legislation. I would be very interested in a long(er) range commuter wheel that is hard-limited to 25 kph from factory, so we can be on the road legally. The V11 definitely had enough range for me, for example, and suspension is a requirement for me on longer distances. Of course, EUCs have advanced a lot since that first 25 kph, last-mile solution classification they got in Belgian law, but that would require manufacturers to go through a legal lobbying process similar to speed pedelecs and 45 kph e-scooters. No point in doing that if you cannot even get the 25 kph limitation right...
  5. Zoals beloofd hierbij de follow-up van mijn inbeslagname: In het Engels, zodat anderstaligen er ook wat aan hebben.
  6. I've had my Inmotion V11 impounded in January 2024 while riding in the city, and have come to learn a few things about the legal situation around EUCs in Belgium. Basically, since the update of the law governing EUCs in Belgium, EUCs are defined as being "limited by construction to 25 kph". In practice, that means you should not be able to raise this limit as an end-user (e.g. by using an app). This is similar to the regulations for e-scooters and pedelecs. So what happens when your EUC does not meet this definition? It is then classified as a motor vehicle, which is subject to (A) a dedicated insurance policy, (B) registration with the DIV (license plate). Both A and B are not possible for EUCs in Belgium, so that's trouble right there. And if you also exceed 25 kph in practice? That's (C) failure to regulate speed according to law. Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to do all of these, thinking that my general family insurance policy would cover EUCs up to a speed of 45 kph (the wording of the policy). Alas, limiting the speed to 45 kph in the app has no legal meaning: it is the maximum speed listed by the manufacturer that counts (50 kph). My insurance company has confirmed this in writing. I've attached a "scoring card" of what you may be in for if the police chooses to act. I've divided the EUCs into three classes: max speed 0-25 kph max speed 25-45 kph max speed 45+ kph Setting the limiter in the app will likely reduce police attention, but has very little legal consequence: it only removes charge (C) failure to regulate speed. Class 1: AFAIK, there are only two EUCs currently on the market that are "class 1", and are legally trouble-free: Inmotion V5, V5F Kingsong 14M I've had some bad experiences with the V5F motor being too weak to pull me out of dimples in the road, so I'm not too happy with this listing... They are not safe enough to ride on the Belgian road for grown-ups in my experience (and yes, the updated law requires that you are at least 16 years of age to ride an EUC). Class 2: The list of "class 2" EUCs currently on the market, which can be insured but not registered, is a bit longer: Inmotion V8, V8F, V8S, V10, V10F Kingsong 14D, 14S, 16S Begode MTen4, A2/A2+ "Class 2" will get you your (car) driving license temporarily revoked1) in addition to a fine (see attachment). This is also the class of EUC that is road-safe for grown-ups. In my experience, the Inmotion V8 is a lot safer to ride on non-perfect road surfaces than the V5F. Class 3: Finally "class 3" EUCs currently on the market are all the others, including my Inmotion V11. This class could get you in prison on top of "class 2" punishments. Most of the time, the actual punishments are much lower than what the law prescribes, depending on your behaviour in practice (i.e. you did not do, e.g. aggressive riding, running from the police, causing damage, etc.). In my case, I have to pay court and impoundment fees (several hundred EUR), and I will not get my EUC back. I will also be on probation for one year, in which I may not receive a second conviction. Time to break out the V5F and put the V8 in storage...? 1) It is common in Belgium to temporarily revoke a regular (car) driving license due to committing a traffic violation on foot or by bicycle. This really hits home for me, as I cannot bring my kids to sports, or go on family trips. LegalProblemsEUCinBE.pdf
  7. Mijn V11 is een tijdje geleden in beslag genomen in Mechelen. Ik reed helaas ook sneller dan 25 km/u, geen waarschuwing, maar direct een inbeslagname. Bij nazicht van mijn videobeelden bemerkte ik dat de politie mij al stond op te wachten bij vertrek, en dat ze mij nog even gevolgd zijn om mij daarna staande te houden. De politie maakte de opmerking dat het niet OK was dat de eindgebruiker de snelheid diende te beperken in de app, maar dat deze "door de constructie" beperkt moet zijn tot 25 km/u. Dat laatste is problematisch voor (bijna) alle monowielen die nu op de markt zijn, behalve pakweg de V5F. Ik heb een V5F, en vind deze eigenlijk te gevaarlijk voor gebruik door volwassenen: bij het minste obstakel ga je op je gezicht wegens te weining motorvermogen. Op de V8 blijf ik wel overeind, maar het is nu eenmaal mogelijk om de limiet op 30 km/u te zetten. Het viel mij trouwens al op dat ik drie andere monowielers al een tijd niet meer gezien had in de omgeving, en één daarvan is ook abrupt gestopt met het maken van YouTube video's over monowielen. Lotgenoten...? Nu, qua uitrusting was ik wel in orde (EN1078 helm, motopak, spiegel, pols en kniebeschermers), maar je kunt een monowiel nu eenmaal niet registreren bij de DIV zoals een speedpedelec. Ik heb ook geen idee wat ervoor nodig zou zijn om dit mogelijk te maken. Immers alle monowielen maatje V11 en groter zijn technisch perfect in staat om stabiel t/m 45 km/u te rijden, want veel zwaarder uitgevoerd dan pakweg een V8. Ik heb ervoor gekozen om geen afstand te doen, en een dagvaarding af te wachten. De rechter kan dan alsnog beslissen wat er met het monowiel gaat gebeuren (en ook wat de strafmaat gaat zijn). Wordt nog vervolgd... Heeft iemand soortgelijke ervaringen? Zijn er ook al problemen geweest wanneer je niet sneller dan 25 km/u rijdt?
  8. @Fahrtwind My V8 has also stopped charging to 100% a while ago, and goes up to 93% only now. I've measured the charger (XVE-8400150) output voltage as 82,2V. I also opened up the charger found the white goo, but nothing that looks much like a potentiometer. Can you point out which is the potentiometer in the attached picture? Thanks in advance!
  9. Please watch this: If you want more break assist, you need to lower the Split Mode Braking level, so that it helps you lean backward and get more leverage. I've also found that enabling Fancy Mode in the Inmotion app increases available acceleration and braking power (the motor also makes more noise), so it does not just affect top speed. In fact, I still use the speed limiter on top of fancy mode.
  10. Yup! I did change my stock tyre for a Heidenau K66 motorcycle tyre, and that took me 5 hours. I then found that the new tyre wasn't balanced properly, so I had to redo the disassembly/reassembly to reseat the tube inside the tyre, then fiddle with the tyre until it was centred around the rim and side-to-side. Another 5 hours for that. That's hobby-level amounts of time. If you "just want it done", best to let a dealer service your wheel.
  11. I only managed to get rid of the speed wobbles on my V11 when I switched to another tyre: the Heidenau K66 80/80 14. It doesn't rub like the 80/90, and is slightly narrower than the stock tyre. It does completely change the ride characteristics of the V11, and makes it much easier to lean over the wheel into corners. It also requires more lean for the same turn rate, and makes it behave a bit more like smaller wheels (e.g. V8). Most importantly, the wheel no longer tries to "jump" out of single-track trails, which tend to be hollowed out, and you can just follow the trail. In other words, no more tram-tracking. The sidewalls of the K66 are much stiffer, and the tyre wall is thicker overall. That means you need to run it with less pressure than the stock tyre, and the tyre is more stable at high speeds. I did have a bit of trouble installing the tyre, as the stock tube is a bit too small to fit inside. You really have to push in the tube to distribute it evenly within the tyre, or you're going to have a folded tube inside the tyre. Finally, because the rim is not designed to perfectly fit a motorcycle tyre, you have to spend some time on aligning the tyre on the rim such that it runs smoothly.
  12. The kind of EUCs that are "power limited to 25 km/h" are the likes of the Inmotion V8(F/S) and the Kingsong 14D (V5F as well, but that wheel does more like 22-23 km/h in reality, and "trips" over nearly every dimple in the road - not very safe for grown-ups). That said, the Inmotion V11, while able to reach 55 km/h, does allow it to be limited in a way that your police officer cannot bypass: Speed limiter slider, as well as a secondary "speed clamp" lock for 25 km/h No load detection option, which prevents free spin and shuts off the motor as you lift the wheel No screen on the wheel itself, apart from battery indicator - police will have to put the wheel on a roller to read out the speed
  13. Driver board: v4.2.21 HMIC board: v1.4.22 BT board: v1.3.3 As there had been battery safety issues with older firmwares, I tend to stay on the latest version. See also:
  14. Every now and then I get this error message, but in my case it is actually caused by the bluetooth module not switching off within 5 seconds (check when the inmotion app loses connection). The bluetooth module does the voltage monitoring of the batteries, but the actual measurement is done by another controller (board or motor?). As the other controller switches off, the battery voltage reading drops from the perspective of the bluetooth module. The bluetooth module then registers this as a battery error, and will remember it for 24 hours. The error can be removed immediately by resetting the wheel (hold power button for 30 seconds - speaker will give slight pop after 24 seconds to indicate that the reset has been done). I've learnt to live with this - the V11 just isn't as reliable as the V8.
  15. The new app works fine for me, but I still need to use guided access mode on iOS to prevent the screen from turning off during riding. Speed and battery indicator are harder to read than the old app, but still OK. Power meter is gone, though, so I can no longer read out how hard I'm pushing the wheel. Can do without though, as the wheel tilts back progressively when you push it too hard (V11). For tracking and navigation I use Outdooractive, which also includes a GPS speed indicator, so I don't need to switch apps while riding. Outdoor Active works really well for mapping cycling trail routes where I live (Belgium), and helps me avoid the main roads where the cars and trucks are. I also use Darknessbot, but less often these days because of bluetooth issues: it is recommended elsewhere on this forum to first connect with the Inmotion app, then close it and connect with Darkness bot to prevent your bluetooth to get stuck in a bad state. If bluetooth connectivity issues occur, I need to reboot my iphone as well as reset my wheel.
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