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  1. Glad to hear that, healthy competition is a mark of growth
  2. @esaj Could you please add me as a Project42 rep in the 'resellers on the forum' section? Also few updates for the UK section: Tokatron is inactive as of now Poolmarket Bristol: https://www.poolmarket.co.uk/ - Ninebot, Minimula, Xiaomi Project42 London: https://proj42.co.uk/ - Ninebot, Inmotion, Uniwheel, Kingsong, Acton, Minimula Not sure what's happening with WheelGo, I've recently serviced 2 customers who previously purchased from @Jason McNeil's London office. Maybe any update?
  3. I have now noticed the "confiscated" mark in your signature, really sorry to hear that :/ A bold move indeed! I hope he gets a significant support for this case, and reaching out to the Prof Grosskopf for an official statement on this case would really help a lot in my opinion. If that's alright, could I ask to update us through this forum on the results of this case? By us I obviously mean all the concerned EU riders (maybe a tag would be okay?)
  4. Reason I'm asking is that in Germany the legal position seems very similar to the UK, but being enforced much harder by the looks of it. In the UK i have only been stopped once over 2 years, and only because I was riding irresponsibly quickly towards pedestrians...
  5. Sorry, English intervention!!! This list hasn't been updated for a while. Have there been any changes across Germany? Is situation different in various regions, or more or less same?
  6. Isn't that how all quality e-skateboards work? I mean how is that an objective downside I know there's gotway's new development with full body control, but you'll never get the same level of response and sustainable speed as remote operated ones.
  7. Thanks! Positive as in there's a legal document mentioning types of personal electric vehicles? If you have any links, i'll be happy to reference it. Cracks - yeah. Roads and cycling lanes are a bit more wheel friendly in the end. But if you have 16"+ size wheel, shouldn't be a major problem right?
  8. This is amazing. Kudos to the author
  9. It's great progress actually. Authorities within London Boroughts tend to be a bit more prohibitive. Hasn't reflected on me financially (no bills, tickets etc), but some of the private parks are completely against this stuff.
  10. Thanks a lot, I assume it's just undefined at the moment, but it's good to mention anyway. Thanks for the feedback! Any negative encounters in Maryland?
  11. That's comprehensive enough, thank you for the full explanation. Updated the description.
  12. "The popular toys are powered by an electric motor fed by lithium batteries, allowing riders to control the gadgets at speeds of more than 15km/h. On a two-hour charge, hoverboards can run for up to four hours on average. " That's just malarkey. I haven't seen a single hoverboard that exceeds 15kph speed or runs for more than 1h straight. The reason I haven't yet included UAE is cause all the news I could find were in English and didn't give a comprehensive link. Another thing that confused me was there are still definitive rules to what should be worn while riding a hoverboard, yet they're banned?
  13. Updated to the most recent version, thanks guys! If you have any friends in the countries listed, could you ask them to share the legal status, too?
  14. Hey, thank you for the update! My previous note was based on the tons of news articles about banning hoverboards and their import. Which state do you live in? Any trouble with EUCS there? Thank you, perfect. Any docs we could refer to?
  15. It's good to know, I do hope the situation gets better. I think it's easier for the govt to take steps now than it was before. Keep us updated, please! You can send it here anyway, the best scenario is a person would be able to read the related documents about his/her country in their language.
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