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    Albany NY
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  1. I've experienced soreness in my calves as well. I went on a ride with my son, we rode about 23 miles on mostly paved bike paths. I was on a kingsong 18xl and my son was on an mten3. When his mten3 ran out of battery, we stopped and I called my wife to pick us up but while we were waiting I realized my calves were absolutely shot. I don't know how much further I could have gone if I tried to run my battery down. I have a hunch that going to the gym might only help a bit; it seems like there's a lot of tiny muscles that fire for small amounts of time repeatedly to keep your balance on the wheel. Some kind of balance training like walking a tight rope or holding an unstable weight that threatens your balance constantly might be the kind of exercise you are looking for.
  2. In Judo, they teach something called "ukemi" to protect yourself when thrown. Not sure if this translates to EUC accidents, but these Judo techniques do actually become an instinctual response to falling or being thrown. If the initial blunt force from hitting the ground is a concern, Judo may be one way to mitigate damage. Judo Falling Techniques -- Ukemi | Judo Info
  3. That's pretty cool, Rehab1. Looking at what you got, I'm guessing the fire itself won't be catastrophic especially if you can get there to help your suppression system. Do you have anything installed for ventilation or smoke redirection?
  4. Very nice. I personally value protection from toxic fumes over the heat from the fire so I'm probably going to try for a solution similar to this. The temperatures vary quite a bit where I live, though...we can get 0F to 100F so I might need some extra temperature control on the low end. I am kind of surprised that the demand isn't high enough (or is it?) for a company to step up and start offering solutions. In my search, I did run across doghouse heaters: Top 15 Best Dog House Heaters for 2022 - Animalso Can people's love for pets transfer over to love of their vehicles?
  5. I'm looking into climate control for my shed. I actually don't expect the fire to do catastrophic damage to my place, but I don't want my family to breath toxic fumes, even in small amounts. Not sure what the cost will be...might go with your idea of a metal container inside the shed and climate control that instead.
  6. Does everybody keep their EUCs in their houses? I have seen a video of an electric scooter bursting into flames inside a guy's house in China: Even if the flames don't spread and burn the building, there will be a lot of extremely dirty and poisonous smoke coming out of these things. Does anybody take measures to keep these vehicles outside the house for storage/charging?
  7. It depends on your budget and your willingness to work on it, but it can be done more than one way. Two main ways would be video stitching: What Is Video Stitching ? | Reelnreel Video Marketing or buy a 360 degree camera. Insta 360 gets good reviews; I personally own a 360 Camera Xiaomi Mijia Mi Dual-Lens Sphere WiFi Waterproof 3.5K Action Camera If you want to do it yourself, it will make a cool project, but when all is said and done, your final product will likely look like a project. Maybe you can get creative with your camera placement/mounting, and perhaps even do away with wires, but it will still be 2 separate cameras, 2 separate sd cards, 2 separate batteries to charge, and extra effort getting your videos stitched. You also might need more than 2 cameras to get the overlap you need. At this point, the cost in your time as well as the hardware might erode your will to proceed with this route. If you spend the money and get a pre-packaged product, a lot of headaches will have been solved for you and it will be in a small single package. It will likely be accompanied with stitching software and make it easy for you configure and handle the final product.
  8. I also have an 18XL. I was wondering if there are colored tires available; I think a grey or white tire would look pretty cool. Anybody know of some?
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