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  1. Just noticed something, it's not reading the serial number or the version of the current firmware either
  2. Lastly terminal when I go to the upgrade firmware part of the app, there is no button to download or anything. Just a blank screen other than saying it's "v0.00". I'm using an iPhone 6
  3. I am able to connect, and it reads voltage, speed, etc. Also, is there anyway to have it read in miles per hour versus kilometers per hour ?
  4. Hi, have a really basic and probably stupid question here but, I have my KS – 18 for over a year now, and I've never upgraded the firmware. I went to try to do to it today, and I can't. When I go on the app, the new app, under firmware upgrade it just says "V0.00"is there something I'm missing here? What is the actual process to upgrade. I don't see any other options from my app. Thanks in advance.is there something I'm missing here? What is the actual process to upgrade. I don't see any other options from my app. Thanks in advance.
  5. hey dmethvin, good info on the possibility of a bad solder point.  I still haven't figured out how I'm going to gain access to the backside to the charging port.  Any ideas?


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