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About CrunchyTire

  • Birthday 10/19/1990

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  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • EUC
    Master 50e, RS HT, Commander, V12 HS, Nikola AR+,Mten3

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  1. Lots of people WITH money live in apartments lol. Its not cheap living in a nice apartment. But I haven't personally seen any 5 story apartments that dont have elevators. My neighbors drive teslas mostly. Tech area, full of apartments and no houses for sale. I dont want a 30 mile commute to work in a place I can buy a house. So I rent. I live on a third floor walk up and I actually love carrying my wheels up the stairs. Master and Commander are not light wheels. if you carry up 3 flights every day, you get stronger, period. Theres nothing wrong with that. Honestly I could barely make up 3 flights with my master when I first got.
  2. Wow dude thanks. freespinning it to cutout popped it back on again. I didnt know about that trick. Thank you!
  3. I just got this a couple weeks ago and ridden under 100 miles. When I was riding today I looked down and noticed my LCD panel on the wheel was completely off. I pulled over and powered off the wheel and powered it back on. The LCD panel is still not working, and neither are the electronics like the headlight or RGB lighting on the side. When I press the power button to turn on the headlight, nothing happens. If I try to turn the headline on through the app, the wheel beeps but the lights dont come on. The RGB strip on the back of the wheel has 3 red lights flashing, during normal operation there are 5 blue ones. The 3 red lights could mean something but I dont know what. The wheel is fully balancing and connects to my phone over bluetooth. So the headlights, the LCD screen, and the RGB lights have stopped working. I checked the connections inside and also tried disconnecting the main battery and draining the power from the motherboard, then plugging it all back in. But the issue was still there. Dont want to ride it like this and not sure what to do. Reached out the retailer but it will probably be days before I get a response. If anyone has any tips I would appreciate it.
  4. Add another blown controller to the list. I know of 4 personally now, including yours and mine. I didn't get mine from ewheels but I was going to buy one of these controllers from him, but he mentioned this issue and said a new batch next week... I got mine from alien rides and they are supporting it but they told me 2-3 weeks wait time and that was still less than 3 weeks so Im trying to be patient lol. I would have bought from ewheels but they weren't in stock at the time and I needed it for a trip.. The LG fire packs aren't much of a concern to me, but I will definitely choose ewheels first for their customer service. They support you and do it with urgency, I cant say the same about the other companies.
  5. Maybe nobody is telling him that because its not a problem for them . These issues will vary based on riding history and conditioning. A v12 was my main ride before and the Master is very nimble and easy to maneuver compared to that. And if you're already conditioned for long rides the master is an easy transition without much more effort. And depending what your pad setup is for lifting (I use clark pads) the master is easier to lift than my commander because you can lift from the kickstand in the back and get the wheel up to chest height easy. I live on the third floor and carry my master upstairs daily (when the controller isn't blown). Im not saying you are wrong, you are right! Just that it wont be everyones experience. The master was my 5th wheel purchase and I ride solo for long distances regularly, so the transition to it was really natural for me. As far as being high off the ground, I love it. You're like a king on your chariot looking down at all the peasants using FEET to walk. ugh.
  6. The master is a beast but Im concerned about the controllers they're using. Mine was the latest batch and blew after a couple weeks of riding and I've found one other person who's blew in the same conditions, and another whos went bad for unrelated reasons.. The other worrying thing is that the batch of replacement controllers that were coming in to replace mine were also having issues so I have to wait for another batch.... They said problems taking firmware flash, and missing the thermal pad(less of a problem). While I love my master more than any of the other wheels I own, I'd have a hard time recommending it until I know the controllers are reliable. This wheel can pump out crazy power but Im not sure all the components are up to the task. For the price compared to other wheels, its really a great buy(ignoring the potential controller failure lol). And yea other people are right about needing fairing kits and some add on mods, but they are worth it and the overall cost is still around $4k which is what several new wheels cost. (That the master can leave in the dust btw)
  7. When I bought the DNM shock it comes with instructions on swapping the spring. Its very simple. Removing the suspension is also pretty straight forward. I dont have a video but you can probably do it without one. You dont have to remove or disconnect the batteries but if you rest the wheel on its kickstand, you can unscrew the batteries so they dangle loosely and just use something under them to secure them from falling over... You dont want tension on the battery cables. Once you deflated the existing shock its just a matter of unscrewing the bolts and removing it. When you install the new one, do the lower bolt first and slowly extend the wheel until the second hole lines up with your linkeage and tighten it all back up.... I will have a video of this process soon but Im waiting for my 1500lb spring to arrive.. Marty Backe (electric unicycles on youtube) just did an install with a very similar shock, you can use that for reference, minus the part where he grinds his master for the specific shock he used... I had to take my master apart the first day I got it to replace the rear LED light. You have to take it apart pretty far to get to that wiring, but the master is so simply put together its like lego pieces. You'll be fine!
  8. Works Perfectly, some cosmetic damage from when I was learning. Some scratches and a small crack on the plastic handle from hitting the curb. The handle on top, not the trolly handle. Both handles work perfectly. Comes with Protective case and charger. Local Pickup only.
  9. The amazing thing about the human body is how fast your muscles adapt to the task at hand. When I first got the V8F even that felt heavy. You know what I did? I put it by the door and every day I left for work/food/etc, I just picked it up and then set it back down. I've done the same with the V12 and Nikola. Are they heavy? Yes. Does that bother me anymore? Nope. When I first started riding, my legs were dead after a couple miles. Today? I get back from a 43 mile ride and have to debate if I want to grab my other wheel and keep riding. You already have great wheels that are lightweight, if its any "Deluxer" with better performance or battery life, its gonna be heavier. 16x is a balance between weight and performance. I think thats as good as you're gonna get.
  10. oh bummer. I found the same ones on ebay shipping from china, along with a lot of other pads. Not sure if thats any better for you. Being in the US, I order from amazon UK and and amazon Japan as well. They make it easy. A lot of times the japan packages get here as fast as packages shipped from my own country. Probably not the same for you I guess. The ones I bought are from "Magchic" but I think thats the chicway logo, or green fashion, or whatever . Generic pads but they work well. I dropped the wheel twice trying to ride seated and was surprised the pads still look brand new. Protected the wheel as well.
  11. If you get too impatient or just want a spare set of pads, there is a good set of Jump Pads on amazon prime for only $80. They work great on the V12, and they dont make it look too ugly with the 3d printed ridge lines on the "expensive pads" . They might look narrow but they lock in right above your toes and ankle. They work great, I can actually jump the wheel on flat ground with them. The width is great for the lower part of your leg. Im probably going to make a video about them but haven't got around to it yet. Everyone out there spending $150 plus shipping for the 3d printed pads, I just couldn't do it lol. I looked at the link for aliexpress in your other post... Seems like very similar pads... Just more expensive and slow shipping
  12. Theres a youtube channel called "Cruising Off Duty" who did exactly that, bought an EUC to take on his boat. He made a few videos about it. You should check those out. If you go to his channel and search for "unicycle", those videos will come up.
  13. I like the name anyway, scorpion falls are the best
  14. Are you a roofer? I did roofing for 4 years. its a great job, hard work too. Pay wasn't great so I had to move on lol.
  15. All the skate shoes I have work great for riding. The thick sole kind like DC Shoes. And tall enough to protect the ankles. I also bought "Iron Jias" motorcycle shoes, based on Sensei Vegans recommendation. The zipper makes them easy to get on and off when you're fully geared up. They're great but the sizing is kind of strange and it squeezes my toes more than I like. They have extra thick ankle support, and extra layer around the toes for protection. I'd recommend them if you can get the sizing right. ( need to change out those green laces, makes them look like bowling shoes)
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