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    Inmotion V10F, King Song 18XL

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  1. Magovec, first of all thank you for your post! I have an 18XL that I still love very much, so not really looking for an upgrade. But I *was* thinking, IF I should upgrade, if I would upgrade to something like an S16, because it seems like it comes closest in some ways to an 18XL. From all the new wheels, it seems the lightest, cheapest. And of course, suspension sounds nice. That being said, unfortunately your review highlights *exactly* why I'm not keen on replacing my 18XL... Range. I adore the range of the 18XL, and I still think it's one of the best, if not the best, in a weight/range ratio. The thing that comes close seems an original Sherman. It seems like all the new wheels have markedly lower ranges than an 18XL, and it's exactly that '80km-ish' figure that as one of the huge draws for me of the 18XL, and it has pretty much holds true. I'm not a heavy rider, I need to add. (75kg). Don't know if the normal S16 vs S16 Pro would have better range, because of the more powerful motor? Weight: I use my wheel mostly in the city. Having a good trolley handle and something I can lift with one hand, is nice, and the current weight is already heavy to use on public transport, stairs, etc. I used an original Sherman for a couple of weeks, and while I adored the range, the feel and the stability, it was a markedly more of a 'drag' to use in public transport/stairs/cafes/... The 18XL does still seems like the perfect in-between between portable and power. Thanks again for your review, I hope the S16 and S16Pro would make the prices on 18XL significantly lower (which is not the case so far), and that there are still options in the future coming for sub-30kg wheels with a huge range, not the fastest speed, and suspension (although that also adds some maintenance? I love how low-maintenance my previous EUC's - 18XL and InMotion V10f were). Would love a kickstand as well.
  2. I Still Think the King Song 18XL is one of the most beautiful simple designs, in the matte Black…
  3. I bought my 18XL exactly a year ago, also wondering if it was worth buying an old design. People also just kept saying: yes it's older but it's still very reliable and comfortable. I've been super happy with it. Sometimes I wish I had a bit more and I tried a Veteran Sherman for a week, and although I love having more power and battery capacity, it's also a pain to take into a bar or shop. The 18XL is still one of the best options (and maybe the best) in its weight class, so it seems.
  4. Funny enough, EUC's and even e-scooters are still not legal in the Netherlands. Shame, with those bike paths.
  5. Out of curiosity, I see Voltrides providing a free service of waterproofing a lot of the EUC's they sell. Is this a worthwhile reason for picking them above other EUC resellers in Europe? Anyone have experience with them? I don't really need a new EUC for the moment, but interested in that service. (does it make a big difference in a wheel like a Sherman Max?)
  6. I was wondering, just wanted to throw this out here. How much would a King Song 18XL weigh with a 3600wh battery or something similar, like a Sherman? I love my 18XL, but even that weight (25kg?) is about the max I find comfortable. Speed-wise, sometimes I would like a bit more, but I'm especially jealous of the range of stuff like a Sherman. How big would the market be for a King Song 18XL with about double the battery? How weird would the shape be, in how far could you keep the same 'kind of' slim small shape of an 18XL? How much more would a battery like that weigh? In short. Man I would love something like an 18XL with the range of a Sherman.
  7. Monowheel is often used in Europe for EUC's.
  8. I just had the win spin on me with the new 2.18 firmware after the lift sensor didn't detect me lifting it. Can confirm it shuts off correctly now :-) Good thing as well, as I was in a fancy hotel and I didn't want to ruin their floor.
  9. I upgraded to 2.12 on my 18XL. Do have the feeling the handle detects me lifting it up more reliably but maybe that’s too early to tell. EDIT: I meant 2.18
  10. @Markykan je weinig tips geven, ik heb een InMotion V10F en King Song 18XL. Ik hoor wel veel goeie dingen 16X! Ik heb een vriend met een V12 waar ik es kort mee gereden heb. Zwaar wiel, top heavy, maar met de juiste instellingen zeer aangenaam ook. bescherming: bij mij sowieso enkel polsbeschermers en helm. Maar ik rij dan ook niet op een Sherman ;-)
  11. I just bought one in February this year. Pretty much asked the same question, and everyone still thinks this is a very reliably, comfortable buy, although it is expensive. Bought it, coming from an InMotion V10F, and mostly been very happy.
  12. I like my wheels rude! ;-) A Reddit poster pointed me to the sound customization. I thought it was already on the factory default but apparently it was on an English pack. I had to transfer the default again and now it’s back to beeps and sounds. If I need a chatting partner, I do know in which menu to look for now.
  13. My V10f was sent in for repair, and came back and now is suddenly very... talkative! It's still the same wheel, same serial, my app connects to it, but now it says WELCOME very loud when I turn it on. When I connect with the app it says something like DATA BLUETOOTH CONNECTED. And when I turn it off, it says SEE YOU! It never did this before and I don't see any options in the Inmotion app nor Darknessbot to turn it off. Am I missing something?
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