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Mayhem last won the day on October 8 2022

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  1. Kingsong 18L $850 ——-CASH ONLY——— 1036wh comes with pads & stock charger & 18XL pedals. Has 556 miles. No issues what so ever. Charges to full 84v. trolley handle extends & locks. It’s a spare wheel I used to introduce new riders to euc. Have some cosmetic scuffs, No high speed crashes, no cracks. Shell is solid and rides no problem. Great starter wheel/ spare wheel or just a chill wheel to do errands with. wheel is located in NJ & must be picked up. I will meet up in jersey city, NJ 5min outside of NYC.
  2. Speed to be increased from 70kph to 81kph in high speed mode for proper street riding without constantly hitting beeps.
  3. Its the same battery placement used on several begode wheels hence why they keep putting them there. To get yourself worked up based on 1 video from “electric dreams” who was riding up an extreme angle (that you will never encounter in regular riding) with low tire pressure while being a heavy rider on top of all that. That’s a lot of variables needed to duplicate this so called concern. Even begode non suspension wheels with lower pedal height have never been known to have such battery clearance issues. Yes With the right set of circumstances anything can be made to fail. But until this is an actual riding issue it’s hardly even worth the worry. As for the suspension not many if any detailed reviews about it have surfaced yet. Just the typical “it feels good” answer.
  4. My sentiments exactly. Nothing new other than the motor in this configuration. It’s a more refined euc than the ex20. It certainly does look nicer but nothing that hasn’t already been seen in other wheels.
  5. I do know someone who swapped the batteries in his s18 to molicel and they prefer it over the standard batteries. He said there is a very noticeable difference. As for is this the right wheel for you? Only you can answer that for yourself after doing your own research and seeing if this suits your personal needs. There is a s18 thread on this forum you can check out and get more specific answers from members who own or have owned the s18. If I was in your shoes I personally would buy the T4 over the s18. Simply because it has better suspension, more power and more range. What ever you decide to get for yourself take the time to learn the new machine. Don’t just full send it because you can already ride. Good luck
  6. My personal circle ? Negative. I said everyone when I was clearly referring to the cry babies and I said the majority of people when I was referring to people who want to run before they can crawl on euc skipping the smaller wheels all together. Neither of these have anything to do with where I live or personal circle. Cry babies are over the web. Anyone now a days can spin in a circle, throw a rock and hit a key board warrior cry baby. As for the majority of people who skip small wheels and get something they can use for all purposes, that’s a very common practice. As people want to buy a wheel one time learn on it and keep it for its life span or until something else peaks their interest. I would really love to sit in, on a begode meeting after a competitor releases a wheel. That’s gotta be some comedy. Correct the v13 was all ready on going and if the s20 didn’t drop first the v13 would have set the trend inmotion . So we would have still ended up where we are now. Kingsong promoted the heck out of that thing and opened orders up early. That was a smart business move on their part. Not too long ago we wouldn’t even get the render and spec sheet. It would be a fb post or a content creater leaking a render. There would be no lead up to the wheel release it just be a company going “hey we make this, you like?” 👍🏾, And the proper gear
  7. None taken, and I know that and have stated that myself in my response to you when I said “Not everyone needs a Godzilla wheel” Ofcourse everyone’s wheel needs are different. Just like when someone makes a post and says something like hey guys I’m new to euc what do you recommend? Without any other information to go by you can easily lead that person in the wrong direction.
  8. Speed demon ehhhh debatable lol. More that my environment calls for it where as yours does not. super/duper fast wheels on the side walk are gonna get you banned
  9. BiB; but if you have a wheel that isn’t for the typical rider then all you have is a child’s toy or a very expensive paper weight. The s18 isn’t advertised as neither. same as your experience on the s18 there are people who love it and it suits their personal needs. But that’s more of a niche wheel and as a niche wheel it’s not gonna sell more units then a wheel that can suit the typical rider. Which is the issue with why the smaller lighter wheels keep getting ignored like I said in my reply to funky.
  10. And I never said that they were nor did a site a reference other than myself. As I am obviously speaking from my personal experience and the information I take in daily. those dealers may not speak for global sales but one cannot ignore that first high speed suspension wheel in the s20 was the highest preorder sales wheel ever. It’s no coincidence that every single manufacturer jumped on board and announced an even faster & bigger wheel after the s20 showed what the market had been waiting for. Whether people from different sides of the world agree bigger wheels being more popular or not. It’s where the money is right now. Just look at preorder sales of s20 Vs T4. Both are recent wheels, both advertised & sold to same group of riders globally. While the t4 is popular and I fully expect it sell more over its lifespan then the s20 (obvious s20 issues). The current demand of the s20 is far superior than that of the t4.
  11. It’s also one of the oldest euc’s out. So Ofcourse something that has been out for years and years is going to be at the top. Mean while all the more trendy fast wheels have been on the market what maybe 2-3 years tops. V13 is a very niche wheel and correct due to the sheer weight alone many ruled it out completely. But another major factor was the cap at 55mph. The wheel was teased as “the fastest euc ever created.” While that is true by inmotion standards it simply wasn’t the case compared to the likes of the master. Which already was doing that speed. Once people saw the speed cap they forgot all about it and focused on the weight of a heavily speed capped wheel. Your euc way and life mine are completely different and how things are here is a fact. Same way how you see things over there is fact for you. As for “slow riders” depends what you consider a slow ride. You can’t ride an euc on the street in open traffic here slower than 30 mph or you’re a major hazard on the road. Slower then that now your talking riding in the park. It’s all about location and bike lanes here aren’t safe to ride an euc on. Heck Even the actual cyclist don’t want to ride them due to the over crowded lanes , cars cutting you off or just plain zombies staring at their phones stepping off the curb.
  12. 1/3 your weight perhaps on your given wheel of choice. That doesn’t exqual the same equation for everyone other than you. also your forgetting it’s not dead stationary weight. It’s weight traveling at speed which creates more force while in motion. The direction of which may not be in the same direction the rider is falling in.
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