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Status Replies posted by Planetpapi

  1. Are you still selling the Ninebot? Where in Texas do u live?

    1. Planetpapi


      William, are you still interested in the wheel? Just checking.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Are you still selling the Ninebot? Where in Texas do u live?

  3. Not really interested in making two trips, if I can avoid it.   I have some experience on an actual uni but have never been on an electric.  I've currently got a little one that's under the weather so I'm doing the doctor thing with her this afternoon.  6pm is probably not realistic for me.  I don't suppose you are a morning person are you?? Btw it appears the forum software is limiting my ability to reply via direct message 

    1. Planetpapi


      Hmm. Sorry your message came in late in the forum.

      Let me know what time is ideal is for you.

      I'm 10 miles north of Airport. I can meet you in my lunch break like 12 noon. Or suggest a time and I will let you know if that works for me or not.


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