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  1. Isn't % just an estimate? I much prefer voltage as it is.
  2. I'd pay extra for better parts as well. I'd really like to see EUC come with some options similar to motorcycles or cars so we can choose what we want & are willing to pay for, and I'm not talking about ali-express, but rather factory supported upgrades.
  3. Just wondering if any progress has been made on figuring this out? I'd really like to login via FB again if possible. If not possible, can we convert my "old" account to a non-fb account somehow?
  4. I agree with @ShanesPlanet. You will learn. I'm hard of hearing with terrible balance and not even 2 years in & ~ 2000km and I can ride in figure 8's without really trying too hard. You'll get it if you stick with it.
  5. I have owned an GSX-R 600 but switched to an FJR1300 as I mostly like longer rides...
  6. Are you now going to offer a service ot do this for others? How much will you charge?
  7. I pretty much charge to 100, and then plan to get it down to at least under 60 within the next day or two (week max). I use a smart plug where I can have it shut off when I want...I know roughly how long it takes. Usually the night before I"ll have it charge a few hours & auto shut off so it isn't charging the whole night & then it's ready in the morning. For winter I try to measure out my last few rides to have it sit at 50% and leave it there....I'll check it once a month but it doesn't really seem to lose charge. I have a V10 & Nik_+
  8. Ok, let me know how I can help. Maybe we can solve it for the other guy who has this problem, too
  9. One other thing I noticed> When trying to login via FB it goes to the OLD FB Site...see below: Screenshot Old Facebook
  10. Also, on this forum, it seems few people ran into the same issue & it looks like it was fixed on the forum side...? https://armorgames.com/community/thread/12678368/feature-unavailable-facebook-login-is-currently-unavailable-for-this-app
  11. I took a look but didn't see anything relevant. I looked under settings -> settings -> apps & websites -> expired and Electric unicycle forums was listed. I clicked "renew." Let's see if that works.
  12. Mod edit: Solution here. - I can no longer login with facebook credentials. I get "Feature Unavailable: Facebook Login is currently unavailable for this app." This is /dev/null
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