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  1. Thanks I totally forgot about your post! Turns out I was over complicating things a bit. I got everything aligned and my new angel tire feels awesome! Thanks for that write up!
  2. I’ve also installed the Pirelli angel. However, I now have slight tire on fender rubbing and also some rubbing when the suspension is compressed. I haven’t touched my S18 in months so I don’t recall how to fix this. I had to put aluminum beer can spacers on my axle so the suspension wouldn’t bind. I’m searching through the forum because I remember seeing a post addressing the steps to eliminate both types of rubbing, can anyone refresh my memory?
  3. Wait, so does it seal on the S18 rim fine then? Or do you just use a tube? Where did you purchase it from?
  4. The ones @Feynman (as mentioned by @fbhb) used are here: https://www.amazon.com/Coupling-Connector-Threaded-Adapter-Stainless/dp/B07X9W4DS1/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=m6+x+25+coupling&qid=1600211214&s=industrial&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SQLZ568/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 I also purchased both but I didn't replace all of my barrel nuts with them. I think it was the longer 25 mm ones that I didn't use because I couldn't get things to fit after adding spacers and fixing the binding - it's a bit of a puzzle because you may need more or less spacers depending on your S18. The problem with those "couplers" as they are called is I noticed that some did not seem to fit through the bearings. To remedy this, I locked them into my hand drill chuck and spun them in sandpaper until they fit well but still snug through my bearings. You don't want to have to pound them into the bearings - which in some cases in seemed KS did this with the barrel nuts. If you need to go the coupler route, be sure you also order the proper bolts (also in @Feynman's list).
  5. Hello everybody! I had a tire wobble problem that I could not overcome. I did my best to center my tire but for the life of me I could not get the wobble out. The rim seems to be straight. The wobble seems to be mostly around the valve stem. I tried moving it around, holding it in place, partially filling, over filling, using soap to lubricate. Just couldn't get the wobble out. Maybe I will try again just going 10 psi at a time. I'm hoping it is not a bent rim, if it is bent then I certainly did not do it myself as I am a beginner rider and really only recently started riding the S18 after doing an overhaul that took a couple weeks. However, I think I should just order a new tire, wouldn't hurt to try something different anyway. I see that not many CST tires are available in the US. Can anyone tell me which tire is guaranteed to fit the S18 and is also available in the US? Of course, there is the CST C-1488 that I see @Purplecycle is using. Sorry if this was a duplicate post but figure I should also put my update here. I do not think it is the tire anymore: EDIT: I rescind my assessment that only the tire is wobbling. It seems there IS some wobbling in the wheel. Not sure what my next step should be. Basically, if I hold the tip of a screw driver very close to the rim, the screw driver will rub on the rim in one spot as the wheel goes around. Could it be because my axle is off center? I had to shim it a bit to get the sliders to move smoothly but I don't think that could really affect the wheel angle much.
  6. Found my solution thanks to @ShanesPlanet! Welp, I did my best to center my tire but for the life of me I could not get the wobble out. The rim seems to be straight. The wobble seems to be mostly around the valve stem. I tried moving it around, holding it in place, partially filling, over filling, using soap to lubricate. Just couldn't get the wobble out. So I think I should buy a new tire! EDIT: I rescind my assessment that only the tire is wobbling. It seems there IS some wobbling in the wheel. Not sure what my next step should be. Basically, if I hold the tip of a screw driver very close to the rim, the screw driver will rub on the rim in one spot as the wheel goes around. Could it be because my axle is off center? I had to shim it a bit to get the sliders to move smoothly but I don't think that could really affect the wheel angle much. Actually, nevermind, off center axle wouldn’t cause this.
  7. This is great work! My S18 had ALL of the problems and I think it was batch 2 (received early October). I went through and fixed most things similarly but I wish I had this guide then! I almost want to tear it down again and apply some of your superior fixes. The trolley handle fix is a must, so annoying.
  8. So I think I figured out my wobble problem. There is definitely a bulge somewhere in my tire. I don’t think it’s the wheel because I don’t see any movement when the motor is spinning. However, the tire very obviously pulses. I think this happened when I deflated and put slime in. Any suggestions? I suppose on my mountain bike I would just lay it on its side, deflate, squeeze around the circumference, checking for inconsistencies, and then re-inflate. Is this a common issue?
  9. I think so. I guess we don’t really know what KS was referring to in the firmware update.
  10. Strange, I took a few mile ride yesterday after not riding for a week (only ridden twice then). I noticed I was shaking a ton and couldn’t figure out why, just figure it’s my stance and inexperience. I don’t understand how any software could help with the shaking issue. I’m assuming shaking and speed wobble is the same thing? Essentially just uncontrolled oscillation?
  11. Thank you for the link, I just purchased some! I love all the 3D printer folks involved with the hobby.
  12. Well that’s all I need to know, will tighten set screw, thanks!
  13. Yes but not very well, they seem to need that “assist” from the tightened set screw. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the cover, I quite like it. I’m just wondering if anyone else has approached this or if it is really even an issue (as I said, I could just tighten the set screws). As my adviser constantly tells me, I’m probably just overthinking it.
  14. Well yeah ok dude thanks for that wisdom but my point is the screws aren’t what are supposed to keep the pedals up, it’s the spring that is. The set screws are just to keep the pin in place. If I crank down the set screws, sure the pedal will stay in place but what’s the point of the spring then? Also they seem to keep loosening up, I suppose I should just crank them down and glue them in with loctite?
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