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    West Chester
  • EUC
    Nikola Plus 100V

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  1. Your welcome! Nice to ride with you and get a chance to ride a new trail. See you on the next ride.
  2. It was a great day and really enjoyed getting to know and ride with everyone. Nice job on the video I uploaded my relive video so you can view it and will send you the GoPro video once complete. Your son did awesome and I am sure you are a proud dad. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  3. We hope you can make it Igor and his son Landen will be do the ride and I also heard back from Jeff. We may have some other surprise EUC riders join us that have yet to respond which would be great!. We will be on the look out for you.
  4. @Albatross; @Jerome; @jas3; @Jeff ShrinerWe are planning a group ride this Saturday 9/5. We will be meeting at the Valley Forge Visitor Center and riding the SRT into Philly and back. We plan to meet at 9:30 am. If others would like to join along the way just let us know and we will coordinate a time to meet you on the way. We hope to see you there.
  5. We are planning a group ride this weekend on the SRT. We plan to leave from the Valley Forge visitor center and ride into Philly. We will be posting more details with date and time hope you can make it.
  6. We are planning a group ride this weekend on the SRT. We plan to leave from the Valley Forge visitor center and ride into Philly. We will be posting more details with date and time hope you can make it.
  7. Bvoland


    Nice job! Looks like a great day with the wife.
  8. You did awesome. I like how you put the Relive ride with the pics in there. Great day!
  9. I just watched it. Nice, I followed you so you should be able to watch mine.
  10. Ah that stinks I wish you could have made the ride back with me. The brewery was open we could of had a pint together don't worry I had one for you. It was an awesome time enjoy meeting you and Jerome and we definitely will have to do it again. I found you business card on my window when I got back to the car so I sent you and email to the address on the card with the video I made from they GoPro. I also followed you on Relive so you can watch that video and show your son. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  11. Yeah, it was 47.8 mi the brewery was open on my way back so we must have been to early. It was an awesome time enjoy both of your company and I will definitely be doing again. I created a GoPro Video and also uploaded to Relive if you follow me you will be able to see all the rides. I am going to try and upload to you on your forum page if not if you give me and email address I will send them to you. Igor actually beat me back to the parking lot I did decide to have a pint at the brewery but it was hot. Great day and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  12. Okay, we will be EUC garbed up you will not miss us. Looking forward to meeting you. One of my buddies has ridden with you in the past goes by HarpMudd on the forum but I know him as Mike.
  13. I will meet you in the new visitor center parking lot on the right. See you at 9:30.
  14. That is awesome! Exactly what I wanted was a great cruising wheel. I have the Nikola Plus if I choose to go off road riding but it will probably be nothing like over heat hill. When this pandemic ends would love to come out you way and do a group ride or participate in EUC games. Keep up the great work.
  15. In these unprecedented times it is especially impressive that a group of engineers leave Gotway to go out and start a new business. It appears that on their first wheel they have done an incredible job of making a solid all around wheel based on feedback from people that I respect in the EUC community. Some of them said it is the best wheel they have ever ridden. I came to this Veteran thread to decide whether to buy the wheel or the New Monster Pro and after watching Marty's review as well as all the others I think I am comfortable. I am sure that Marty is still comfortable with is decision to put a deposit on the Veteran.
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