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    Ninebot Z10, KingSong S18, SOLD: Z6, Z10

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  1. Niet ikzelf, maar ik herken het gevoel - ah, nog andere rijders - kewl...
  2. Best to contact someone of http://www.belgiumwheelers.club They are also on facebook, and u can see whether someone is close by. Alternative, I am in Meise with a KS S18,also 84v charger.
  3. Hallo, Je kan hem limiteren hoor (in Frankrijk is het robuster - de eigenaar kan de settings niet makkelijk wijzigen), dus als je soft speed limiting toepast moet het lukken. Het is ook nog iets te recent opdat de politie er moeilijk over doet. Gedraag je hoffelijk en correct is misschien regel nr 1 om problemen te vermijden. Ikzelf heb nog een bijkomende verzekering bij AG voor mijn EUC's.
  4. Hallo, Ik had destijds een verwijzing gemaakt naar wat het juridisch kader is in BE, terug te vinden in de sheet met alle referenties aangevuld door de community. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xgCTmNf7e2NzRWzMMsX19YQW9pGEMtPJM3KXfz19DZg/edit#gid=0 Kort komt het er op neer, dat de meesten niet toegelaten zijn op de openbare weg. Maar de wet is ook niet een juist weergave, want mocht je de exacte limitering volgen (25 km max eigen aan het voertuig), dan ging je bij de eerste put a 25 km/h (en zelfcorrectie met noodzakelijke hogere snelheid) sowieso op je ...
  5. Apart from everyone sharing his experience as an EUC rider, I like how everyone puts his personal touch on the MUSIC accompanying his / her videos. I like it a lot, the different flavors
  6. I’m not sure what is going on. I assume the fender is mounted correctly? Here is mine. Mmmh, here is mine ( and I replaced joints - but not taking it apart in full). @Rehab1, did you not replace your shock ? (did it have diff. dimesions ?) Maybe something to do with pos / neg chamber inflation. I ll try some more this WE.
  7. Hello @Seba, Is the "street legal"feature getting incorporated in EUC World ? Any idea on timing ? And with the push of a toggle button :-) ? Maybe let the community maintain a sheet for you, which you sync (manually) every (minor) release ?
  8. Hi, It seems like a waste if it is a brand new Z10 and you have to buy a new Z6 to get it working. I have no idea what the issue can be from here ... and how much experience you have with opening up EUC's. But you switched out both boards ( MOS and controller) with new ones, correct ? Did you get the app from @MRN76 too to reset the Serial Number - ninetool ( http://mrn76.ru/index.php/en/ninetool-en/nenetoolzlo-en ). > You will need this too if you want to merge and change from Z6 > Z10 Are the led's still blinking on the battery pack ? You can charge them, if they are in deep sleep mode. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPJRfPdS8Fo ) There is also a tool to check the battery status > Ninebattery (https://mimod.ru/en_US/ninebattery/) As answer to your question - it is possible - wheel specs seem to be the same, apart from the battery. Good luck.
  9. For those interested - placed my adventure on the KingSong S18 suspension (joint replacement), working better now
  10. Hi, First of all, hats off to all these members with great engineering skill sets, posting here. Really nice work. Myself being a somewhat newbie at all this stuff, I had to buy, try, wait 4 delivery, re-buy, retry, ... (the fun iterations), so it took longer as expected to do small overhaul on the KingSong S18 suspension. I just did the joints and replaced them, then added some PTFE dry spray. I went from this: (ali referral - furniture screws ) (seems like they are glued together) Replaced the set with this: (S TORX sleeve NUT M8-A2 - washer 16/10-A2 - PTFE washer <> bearings <> PTFE washer - washer A2 - TORX bolt A2) (A2 = stainless steel) Work: minimal intervention (one joint at a time, NO complete dismantling), some drilling and cutter stuff to get the right dimensions on washers / sleeve nut, then aligned the joints (playing with the air shock to align holes), and bolted it up again. A 15 min job for those that have experience ... Not me, see the iterations on getting the material... I expect the bearings to eat a little away inside the PTFE washers so that will work better over time And boy, what a difference: Out of the box I was able to lock the suspension at a certain height, just buy pushing it down by one foot, and it would stay in place. Now: the suspension is responsive as it should be. PS: I did not remove the metal blocks between the gliders. I foresee a future replacement of the Air shocks, since they wear out over time ...
  11. Looks like a nice and challenging terrain, good on you. For the Video, IMHO a bit more scenery and a bit less gravel
  12. Hi @Seba, I know that in the past there was an google sheet that was maintained on speed limits (I forgot who it was from, sorry): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xgCTmNf7e2NzRWzMMsX19YQW9pGEMtPJM3KXfz19DZg/edit#gid=0
  13. Ow, I am one of those drivers - once ... a few years (more than a decade) ago I had to cross an intersection, and it was a familiar place (knew it was dangerous), looked (and I am certain I did) both sides, came to the middle and looked again, continued and WHAM (not the group) ... another car in my side steering (not a motorcycle). So I did a SMIDSY ... and it was true ... I apologized and took my responsibility. My observation afterwards on this one, because I wondered how this could have happened, is that: while looking to the right at 2 separate points in time the other driver was partially hidden behind the light pillars. The good news: they changed the intersection a few years later ... When driving a non-shielded vehicle (non-car) I drive more defensively and anticipating, I believe that a majority of incidents takes 2 (full responsibility on the idiot) and me for not assessing the situation correctly. I am not saying you can avoid all, but you can avoid some. Like: this car just parked, hurray for doors that will fly open. Or this truck is turning right, let's make some noise in advance and reduce my speed (not staying on his side). Or this car is looking for a parking spot in the city, (s)he will turn right whenever there is a space available (forgetting everyone else who is on the road) ... These are the moments in life I curse a lot and loud ... But anyways, we are fragile on our EUC (and other means of transport), even when geared up. It won't be my first and it won't be my last .
  14. My bad, correctomundo, it was indeed a few more meters (I thought I saw less and a higher speed somewhere - but hey) ... Done and reset in EUC World worked as intended. Thanks.
  15. Hi, Anyone an idea how to remove the 20 kmh restriction on the KingSong S18 ? Yes, yes, We did ride the 5 km first So the meters / gauges go further than 20 (to 50),but do not seem to transmit modifications to the wheel. And No No, I tried in EUC.World and KingSong app ... (android player here) ... No luck. Thanks for helping out, or pointing in the right direction. PS: Looking back I found my Z10 rather intuitive in setup
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