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  1. Does anyone have any thoughts on whether the Sheman Max is worth it over the regular Sherman? Meaning is it worth the price increase considering what it offers? Are do some of you think that the Gen 3 Sherman is more worth it?
  2. Thanks for all the feedback! It seems like most people are partial to the Sherman, and really only have good things to say about it! The range is a big thing for me! I just watched the range test of the S20 by Ginger on Wheels. 2 things to note from it- seeing as I only rode it for just over half an hour, it's probably true that it would take around 100 miles or so for me to adjust to the wheel and feel comfortable riding it. And the other thing is despite it performing well once you figure the wheel out, it won't live up to your expectations if you're wanting something with a good range. (good being more than my 18XL). It seems that either the Sherman or the Sherman Max may be calling my name!
  3. Hey Everyone! For the past 3 years I have ridden my Kingsong 18XL everywhere and anywhere. I would say I've become somewhat of an advanced rider over the 3 years with that wheel. It is the wheel that I learned to ride on, and truth be told I haven't touched any other EUC's ever aside from my 18XL. That is until yesterday! Yesterday I payed a visit to an EUC distributor and touched another EUC for the first time! In fact not only did I get to touch them, I was able to ride SIX new wheels! 😎 It might sound kind of funny to some of you, but I was like a kid in a candy shop! The wheels I tried for the first time were- M10, V8, 16X, S18, the Sherman, and the S20. Obviously coming from nothing but an 18XL, the Sherman and the S20 stole the show for me. So to get to the point of my question- I rode the S20 for maybe 30- 40 minutes (wow what a good looking wheel), and the Sherman for about 1 hour. My thoughts after riding these wheels- I expected more from the S20. It hurt my legs quite a bit (probably just the pads) but I had a hard time feeling in control of the wheel. I also thought the suspension would have been a little better. I did play around with the suspension settings, but thought it would have been a little bit better. Granted, the wheel felt quite nimble for its size. The quality of the wheel is worrisome. While visiting the show room, another customer checking out the S20 broke the power button right off the wheel. We were still able to turn it on using a pin 📌 though lol. In regards to the Sherman- I expected good things from it, and it gave me more than I expected! I went in fully thinking that the S20 would give the Sherman a run for its money, but I found myself soon drooling over the Sherman with its stable and strong stance. With what felt like endless power it became an extension of my body very easily. Yes the bumps were a bit harsher without suspension. But not as big of a factor as I thought it would be. Seated riding was a breeze, and I love the idea of a bigger battery (something that concerned me about the S20). So after riding all these wheels (with most of my time on the S20 and Sherman) I feel like I'm leaning more towards buying a Sherman over an S20. I wanted to know what your thoughts are comparing these 2 wheels! For those who have tried the S20 and or Sherman. Yeah I would rather own both, but for me that's not an option unfortunately 😕 FULL DISCLAIMER! I only had under 2 hours combined with the 2 wheels. My opinions could change if I had more time. These are just my initial thoughts. Please let me know what you think! Thanks 😊
  4. @Alexutlang how does the Sherman handle over bumps and stuff? How is the overall smoothness and comfort of the ride? I am tempted to purchase the V11 for overall ride quality and smoothness, and handling over bumps and imperfections in the road. But ideally I would love a wheel with faster speeds and more battery, than what the V11 has to offer.
  5. I appreciate everyones input! It seems to me that the Veteran Sherman would fuel the inner speed and range demon without a doubt. But the V11 is almost a perfect all rounder, with the comfort of taking on slightly more bumpy and unknown terrain with more speed and confidence than I do currently on my 18XL. I'm considering commuting with one of these wheels (33 km commute one way). Which sometimes would be at night. The Sherman would certainly get me there quicker, and I wouldn't have to worry about charging while I'm there. (However charging isn't a huge issue to me). But the V11 would make for a smoother ride, and better headlight while night riding. If money permitted I would buy both
  6. If you could choose one of these wheels, which one would you pick and why? And for those who already have one, what made you pick one over the other? They both look really good for what seems like different strengths for each one. I'm wondering which one of these wins the "wheel of the year" award. Your input would be very welcome!
  7. @Rywokast I remember when I was trying to choose my first EUC you recommended getting one from aliexpress, as you had gotten them from there before. I ordered a Kingsong 18XL from Ali and I've never had any issues with it. Its still the only wheel I own, and i ride it every day. I love it. I guess just make sure it's a reputable seller on aliexpress? I'm hoping to get another wheel this year, perhaps a gotway, and if I can I'll order on Ali because its significantly cheaper than buying them from a local vendor here in Canada
  8. So if you decide to buy a wheel other than kingsong from aliexpress (like a gotway, or inmotion) they should work fine, and you wouldn't need to worry about any of this?
  9. @bigwave I updated the firmware to 2.0 today and took it for a brief test ride. So far I think I like it, i notice some differences, but all good I feel! I think it has better acceleration and I can keep it at higher speeds easier! Thanks again!
  10. @ShanesPlanet did you ever resolve this somehow? Im wondering if I should update my ks18xl to 2.0 or not. I'll be using the EUC world app
  11. Thanks I appreciate your input. While I love my 18XL, I spend half my time off roading, and there have been many inclines and situations where I wished I had something more powerful. Although I've never even been on a group ride so it's not like I've ever tried any other wheels than my Kingsong. So I'm hoping MSP has got a lot more power and torque. @bigwave Thanks for linking me to that thread, most things about the new firmware look good, although the thing I see pop up a few times is people who say that after updating that it limited their speed again to very slow. Did you experience this when you updated your wheel?
  12. @bigwave Huh so maybe not so bad after all! No I haven't updated the firmware to 2.0. Should I? My kingsong app doesn't work but I think I can do that through the EUC world app
  13. @bigwave Hey thanks! I checked my serial number and it doesn't have a ZX lol So mine must be before they beefed up the motor. I guess that begs a new question, what was the motor on the older ones. Maybe I can find that info online
  14. Hey I just have a quick question if anyone could enlighten me. I have a Kingsong 18xl that I got last summer. It was my first wheel and still my only wheel, i love it. But there's one thing I'm trying to figure out. I read somewhere that the later ks18xl wheels in production were given stronger motors. Either 2000w or 2200w I cant remember. How do I tell what motor my current 18XL has? Is there some way to see it on the EUC world app or something? The reason I want to know, is if I know what motor mine has, it can give me a better idea if I want something like a KS S18 to be my next wheel because I'm fine with the power it has, or if I should go the route of MSP. Hopefully someone could help with that! Thanks!
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