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    Current: Gotway MSX 100V 1860Wh W/CST 1488/ King Song 18 XL W/ 5102/ King Song 16X w/ H666 (sold)/ Past: multiple 18 XL's, a V8 and an MSX 84V 1600Wh

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  1. It might be firmer out of the box butttt you can swap that spring or shock for a softer spring. IM might even offer differen't weights and actually a review of the Adventure in Asia made me think that they will. Fingers crossed! Even if they didn't thought there are definitely aftermarket options. I assume since they say you can swap the shock that it's a standard size.
  2. Awesome that's great to know!
  3. Ahh well that's good news! It sounds and feels like it's coming from the motor but if you say it's gone after mods that makes me happy You're sure you had the same sound?
  4. Thanks, so how did you fix it?
  5. It seems like a ton of S22's have this sound. Does yours not? Thanks for checking btw! Spring buzzing hmmmm. I'll try messing with the preload tomorrow. Someone on the forums had mentioned that it was the metal arm that holds the kickstand that was buzzing where it met the screws near the 3 suspension geometry adjustment screws. Oo interesting idea. I'll have to check that. Although I'm not convinced that the sound is coming from the front but it's worth a look.
  6. Hey has anyone found the source of this noise? Found a solution? My S22 makes the same noise under hard acceleration and it's annoying. I can confidently say it's not the motor cable that's vibrating. Also it's not a motor problem.
  7. Forsure, a friend of mine says to wait.
  8. Hey guys so my new S22 has a lot of friction and developed creaking in the suspension. Has anyone removed the rubber suspension stoppers inside the t-rail. I hear they add a lot of friction in the suspension? Also I have an order for the cnc sliders from myewheel but it hasn't shipped out yet and I'd like to enjoy the S22 at least a little but the suspension feels like trash right now. Tons of friction and now creaking. What do I need to do to make it work better for at least a week until I get the cnc sliders.
  9. I noticed that my brand new s22 does this when I first turn it on and the lights are in auto light mode it makes the exact same sound. If I turn on the night light and then off the noise goes away.
  10. Ok keep me posted! I actually live in Seattle it'd be cool to meet up if you're willing. I have questions! Like also everytime I turn on the s22 the lights always turn on and the wheel makes this annoying sound until I turn on the night light and turn it off. Is there a way to stop the light from coming on? I assume it's a long sensor of some sort.
  11. On a different note. My S22 has that vibration sound (at low speed) that a lot do from either the mudguard (which it sounds like) or motor wire. Do you know a fix for it? I know my motors good so it's definitely not that.
  12. Ah yeah safety sure...if it was a safety thing inmotion would've implemented that on the V11 and yet nope! Yeah tape is what I was thinking! Plus I'm sure it gets louder at speed when it really matters.
  13. Hey where would you put tape? My s22 has that vibration sound and it's annoyingly loud.
  14. Celt26

    S22 / MPH?

    Following Can't believe it still displays in KM?!
  15. Hey guys is there any way it make them quieter like you can on gotways? I find them a bit piercing and just a bit too loud for comfort :/ I don't see an adjustment anywhere On a different note I can't believe king song still has those annoying connection beeps like on the 18 XL 😒 like really?!?
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