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  1. Euco is doing repairs even during these times. Just contact them via the website.
  2. http://imgur.com/a/QUTGy5W 136 miles and diagnostics are good. Never had any issues with this wheel. Replaced the outer shells last year. I added side pads for extra grip and comfort.
  3. The battery is slightly bigger than v8 battery.
  4. In the app, there's a setting you can toggle so the wheel doesn't spin out if the wheel gets powered on.
  5. @MickeyMicklos I'm curious to hear your response to @Unventor's first point. Is top speed really weighted so high that this single aspect of the Nikola makes it a better wheel than the 16X?
  6. I do not have this issue. 1.0.7 is great. Love it so far. Big improvement in ride stability from 1.0.6. But I also lowered my tire pressure closer to 25psi, so can't tell source of improvement.
  7. Does the 2nd batch need this bluetooth patch?
  8. Blue, green or purple. Red cannot be removed without heat.
  9. I listed this on ebay for our international audience. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F372726182428
  10. Potentially. I'll have to talk to my friend about it. Will update you.
  11. Oops, thanks for letting me know. I couldn't figure how to edit my post so here's the fixed link: http://tinyurl.com/v10spacerkit
  12. I'm in. I'll be back in Philly this weekend and will join ya'll on the group ride.
  13. Hi folks, I've been riding my V10F for about 10 months now and I love it. My only complaint was that the trolley handle is way too loose. It kinda ruins the experience of pushing it around or even propping it up against a wall. A couple months ago, I commissioned my good friend to help design a spacer to fix the looseness of the V10F handle. We've gone through several designs and materials before finally settling on a final version. I've been using this version for a couple months now and the handle feel is super tight and perfect! If anyone is interested, we've listed a kit on Amazon at a modest sale price of $15. The kit includes various sized spacers and the tools and instructions needed to install. Let me know if you have any questions! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RWTG71J Install video. Tip: use loctite threadlocker on the 2 set screws that attach the handle to the red knuckle http://tinyurl.com/v10spacerkit
  14. Weather is looking great nowadays. Anyone up for a group ride?
  15. I would reach out to them directly to confirm. I'm pretty sure though that all stock was waterproofed by InMotion USA after they discovered the issue. Any subsequent stock had factory waterproofing.
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