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I5 - How to permanently turn off the headlight ?


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Hello, It seems that the only way you can turn on / off the headlight is by swaying the unit left and right while it is in stop position.  Mine is very sensitive and it is hard to control.  It seems that is no way you can turn this function off frrom the app.  It really scratches my head why is it design this way.

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He @hyiu00, How sensitive we are talking about? I do occasionally turn it on by mistake but it always needs that 10deg tilt to turn on/off. I can't turn on or off just with my leg, I always have to reach the handle with the exception of 1/2 times that I did switch it while my leg was on the pedal.  It's done this way as most of the time you are not connecting the app to the wheel for casual rides.

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Hey, just remembered there is the old APP for the Zero and LHOTZ that had a button for the lights. Just tested it with the i5 and it works, but still, the switch sensor will still be active. The old APP doesn't show the right motor power and you lose the graphical speed interpretation since you can't run both apps simultaneously to my knowledge

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Yes, I am talking about something nice on the APP with IPS not just about that ;) for the time being you can use the old app and that has all the functionalities except for what I mentioned before.

You can download the old app for Android from this link: http://pcrsmalta.com/IPS3/node/12

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