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Quick fix.


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No one likes riding in the rain, after being caught out a couple of times I realised from the splatter on the rear of my Airwheel and the dirt up the back of my pant legs I had a problem, my solution was to cut a plastic mud guard from a fabric softener bottle, simple solution that works. I ride to work most days so it's inevitable I will be caught out now n then.

Anyone added any other mods or have any other ideas?

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Right in this section there is a guy -- Tillman, I think? -- who made a mudguard using a 3D printer. A lot of people sent his design to local people who could print it up, then tried it on their own wheel.  Sounds like it works very well, and I'll probably get one myself.

His was sized for the Gotway MSuper.  But the principle seems easy enough.  

Can't beat the price on your version, though.  Grats on solving the problem so inexpensively!

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