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V8 charger overheating and whining


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I'm not having luck with chargers it seems. The one in the box was DOA, and the replacement seems to be overheating. I'd only ever charged it from ~60% at the lowest, but today I got down to 30%. Plugged it in and about an hour later it starts making a really high pitched whine. The app is reporting it as 98% charged now, but the power brick is crazy hot. Measured it with an IR thermometer and it read 70 C. That was after 5 minutes or so unplugged, so it could have easily been 75+ when it started whining.

Anyone else experienced a crazy hot power brick? I should probably just get an aftermarket one at this point. I'm not sure what works well and safely. As much as I like the V8, the geoblocking and these chargers issues are bringing me close to saving up for another wheel.

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I've never measured the temperature on my Gotway bricks, but they get so hot that you can't touch them. They don't make a noise however.

You can buy compatible chargers that have fans to keep them running cooler, if it's something that really bothers you.

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I have had that with a laptop computer before.  Even had one burn out -- literally spark and catch fire.  I wasn't the only one with that model.  Got crazy hot!  It became kind of a scandal well known in the community. The brick provided wasn't adequate for the task.  

Buying a high-power charger solved the problem easily for me as well as the other people who recommended taking that approach. It was nice and cool, no problems..  

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Yes I have had that problem and posted about it earlier.

When using the stock charger (not the fast charger) and the wheel is nearly charged, then a high pitched sound is occasionally but not usually heard and the power brick gets too hot to touch.

it worries me a lot, so much so that when it happens I immediately unplug the wheel. 

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23 hours ago, Gil said:

I would be very cautious with such a high temperature. The genuine V8 charger gets warm, not more. I bought a spare charger and it does not get very hot neither.

That price is a lot more affordable than other options I was looking at, thanks!

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4 hours ago, f0dder1024 said:

My VF5+ charger gets pretty warm, typically i put my power brick upside down on a spare heavy aluminium laptop stand. This works well as a giant heat sink. At work when I don't have this available I put a metal camping cup on the brick, sometimes with a cold bottled drink to again absorb some of the heat.

Good idea.  Some of those laptop stands and boards even have a fan or two.

I used to point another fan at my laptop on hot summer days when the laptop's internal fan was chugging away non-stop.

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