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V8 Binding/Unbinding?


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Hi All,

So I was able to install the inmotion app, change light effects, watch speedometer, etc.

I want to change the bluetooth password which requires you to bind your v8.  I typed in the SN and click submit, it says to unlink first.  Anyone encountered this?

Thank you in advance.

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Found it.
But you have to be logged in as the current owner.

On the app go to the tab "me" (bottom right) and then tick the settings wheel (top right).
Choose "Owner verification".
You should see a serial number and the text "THE SCV HAS BEEN VERIFIED".
Now trash the serial number by ticking the garbage can icon. 
Go back to settings
Tick "Clear cache" (not sure if that is necessary)
Log Out
Close the app (again not sure if that is necessary, but I needed to do that to be able to connect with bluetooth)
Open the app
Log in with your own account.
Go again to  "Owner verification"
Now you should be able to bind by entering the serial number (or scanning the QR code) 

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