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Which alternative is the 'safest' EUC


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Hello all,

Although I've just learned the Ninebot One E+, just did a 175km on it, and feel pretty confident in mounting, riding and dismounting.. But already noticing that I have way too much fun on the wheel en love riding it whenever/whereever I can, not always going for the shortest routes but rather have some detours, just to be longer on the wheel. 

So to overcome the distance, perhaps the speed limit also, I am on the lookout for a new wheel. But reading about all the shutoffs makes me a bit worried. So I am looking for the 'safest' wheel, 16" or higher with a range of probably 50+km?! I weigh 95kg.

My ultimate goal for the wheel is as follows..
I am also a paraglider and fortunate enough to be a self employed software engineer, so I can  work abroad. That is why I will be trying to settle at the southern coast of Spain.
To get to the takeoff I mostly can go by car and in ideal situations you can top land and get the car and go home. But, this is where the wheel comes in, in case I cannot do a toplanding I have to walk back up. So I would want to 'hide' and secure the wheel at the landing field so I can take it and go back up.. +/-5km but with all ging uphill (by road).. so eventually , fly, land, get up the wheel and collect the car from launch.. 

Right now I live in the Netherlands, this ia all flat besides some bridges and tunnels, love to ride it and get into area's I've never been. not even by bike, but now I love to ride and thus take all kinds off detours..

So all in all.. Again what would be the 'safest', I now it is all relative, brand/type to go with to 'upgrade' from a Ninebot One E+??



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KS18AY with 1680 Wh. Safer than GW (probably), successfully tested with heavy people on hills.

I'm 99% sure you can reach 50 km with 95 kg with it (probably you can, but 95 is on the heavy side) - if not, 2400Wh Monster is your only choice anyways (and I would not know of Monster cut outs/complaints, so it's not like it's a death trap).

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I have around 2000km experience on Ninebot ONE E+, and around 900 km made in just 4 months on Kingsong KS16. You have mentioned 5km uphill - KS16 will do it easy as it has around 60 km range on flat, and now You also have the option for getting KS16S which is 840wh / 1200W / 70km range (close to 3 times what is in NB...) KS16 is really reliable wheel - never had any problems with it, no shut-offs, it will climb 15-20% slope easily.  Of course You can go for 18 inch wheel but this is much heavier and more expensive. 

Because of risk of loosing it (when hidden)- KS16 with 680wh battery should be just fine, and it is also smaller and lighter than 18inch.. 

It maybe sounds crazy but as the KS16 is 16,8 kg - if you wing allows - maybe You can take it with you on the flight. 

here is the link to the initial experience and small mods I have made to make KS16 really perfect wheel. 



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33 minutes ago, Lukasz said:

I have around 2000km experience on Ninebot ONE E+, and around 900 km made in just 4 months on Kingsong KS16. You have mentioned 5km uphill - KS16 will do it easy as it has around 60 km range on flat, and now You also have the option for getting KS16S which is 840wh / 1200W / 70km range (close to 3 times what is in NB...) KS16 is really reliable wheel - never had any problems with it, no shut-offs, it will climb 15-20% slope easily.  Of course You can go for 18 inch wheel but this is much heavier and more expensive.

I agree completely with that. KS16 is a great wheel, long range, being able to climb steep hills. I ride the KS16B since more than 2000 km, I had no single shut-off.

If I would buy NOW, I would take the KS16S, but it is a very new wheel, I don't know yet if it is as reliable as the older one.

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It is likely that I will get my KS16S within next 10 days...  it will also give me the possibility to compare KS16C and KS16S...   As the first main boards for KS16S were made in December, I hope that those produced in March (tbc) will have the initial bugs out...   I do not want to be guinea-pig especially riding over 30km/h...     

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37 minutes ago, Lukasz said:

It is likely that I will get my KS16S within next 10 days...  it will also give me the possibility to compare KS16C and KS16S...   As the first main boards for KS16S were made in December, I hope that those produced in March (tbc) will have the initial bugs out...   I do not want to be guinea-pig especially riding over 30km/h...     

I wish the best for your new KS16S, and I would look forward to any of your observations!

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I am really looking forward to do make the review of KS16S & comparison to KS16 ! It "just" must arrive first! 

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